New England Archivists Conference: Web Archiving “Birds of a Feather” Session

I am coordinating a Web Archiving Birds of a Feather session (on behalf of Archive-It and the Internet Archive) at the New England Archivists Conference this spring.  If you plan on attending, please fill out the survey (link below).  Hope to see you there!  –Tessa

Date: March 22, 2013
Time: 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.

What do we talk about when we talk about web archiving? Find out at the Web Archiving: Birds of a Feather meeting, and network with your colleagues dealing with some of the same issues that you are!  Web archiving is a relatively new area in organization’s collecting and curatorial activities and there are sometime more questions than answers.  In this session we’ll have a brief introduction to web archiving basics, and then an open discussion on some of the use cases, challenges, lessons learned and success stories with those currently involved in web archiving projects or programs. Please bring your questions, comments, and web archiving quandaries for discussion.

We ask that interested participants complete a brief informational survey before the session so we will have a better idea of topics to cover.
Any questions please contact Tessa Fallon (

Save the date! CrawlCamp NYC 7/17/2013

CrawlCamp NYC, a one-day CurateCAMP-style event focused on web archiving, will take place atMetropolitan New York Library Council on Wednesday July 17, 2013. This event will be an opportunity to highlight the many web archiving initiatives taking place at institutions in New York City and the surrounding region. CrawlCamp NYC will offer the chance for those working on, or interested in, web archiving projects to meet, converse, and share tools and knowledge.

The day will feature an informal mix of project presentations, brief talks and tool demos, and participant-led discussions on web archiving topics. If you are in the NYC-area, are working on a web archiving initiative, and are interested in doing a lightning talk, tool demo, or project presentation, please contact Jefferson Bailey at

Additional details and public registration will be available closer to the date and we plan on livestreaming and/or posting video from the proceedings. For any other questions, contact We hope to see you in July!

[Posted on behalf of Jefferson Bailey]

Weekend Web Archiving Fun: Web Archiving Integration Layer (WAIL)

Check out this new tool from Mat Kelly!

Web Archiving Integration Layer (WAIL) is a graphical user interface (GUI) atop multiple web archiving tools intended to be used as an easy way for anyone to preserve and replay web pages.

Tools included and accessible through the GUI are Heritrix 3.1.0Wayback 1.6, and warc-proxy. Support packages include Apache Tomcatphantomjs and pyinstaller.

WAIL is written mostly in Python and a small amount of JavaScript.”

IIPC General Assembly Proposals Due 2/22/2013

 [Ed: for more information, please visit the IIPC website. Actually, you should check out their website even if you don’t want to submit a proposal.  It’s quite useful for learning more about web archiving.]
The International Internet Preservation Consortium is seeking proposals for presentations and workshops for the 2013 General Assembly.

Proposals to present (no greater than one page) should be sent to Abigail Potter ( by February 22, 2013. This is a tight schedule so no extensions will be offered. The program will be announced March 4, 2013.

About this blog…

This blog will feature posts by members and contributors on topics that would be of interest to  roundtable folks.  We will also use this blog to share updates about the roundtable’s activity in SAA, including our first meeting at SAA 2013 in New Orleans.  Brief news items and other links will be shared via our Twitter account WebArch_RT with occasional cross-posting to the blog.

If you have any suggestions for posts or links, please let us know in the comments!

Upcoming additions to the site include:

  • Events page: chronological list of upcoming web archiving-related events
  • Collections page: an informal directory of web archives collections



Welcome to our new blog!

Our roundtable was officially approved by the Society of American Archivists Council in January 2013.  This blog will serve as a place for us to share news, upcoming events, and discuss all things web-archiving related.  As we work to get started, please sign up for our mailing list here.  You don’t need to be a member to sign up for the list! You can also view our mission statement and the list of RT members.

Our official SAA microsite will be up and running shortly, and we’ll update that page with official announcements, meeting minutes, and other administrative information.

Thanks again to all of the folks who made this roundtable possible!

Tessa Fallon, Chair

Trevor Alvord, Vice Chair